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Meet the Governors

CROESO! Welcome to our Governors’ section.


Members of the Governing Body work with the Headteacher on a voluntary basis to strategically manage the school in partnership with the local authority. They are a corporate body consisting of unpaid volunteers with a duty to act in the best interests of the whole school, and they work diligently as a collective for the benefit of the pupils. This academic year our priorities are:


Priority 1 : T

Title:  To develop digital learning skills throughout the school by ensuring a consistent approach in the provision of teaching digital learning.


Objective: To improve standards of digital learning competency in all our pupils, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital age.

Priority 2 : T

Title: To develop reading skills throughout the school by ensuring a consistent approach in the provision of teaching reading.


Objective: To improve standards of reading in all our pupils by incorporating a range of strategies and resources to foster a love for reading, develop essential literacy skills, and improve reading comprehension in our learners.

Priority 3 : T

Title: To enhance indoor and outdoor provision throughout the school in order to raise standards: incorporating pupil voice. 


Objective: To develop both indoor and outdoor provisions across the school by actively involving pupil voice, thereby raising educational standards and enhancing the overall learning experiences of our pupils.
Priority 4 : T

Title: To ensure that the needs of all learners are met regardless of their barriers to learning and to improve the school’s commitment in developing the well-being of our pupils, families and the whole community.


Objective: To develop a consistent understanding of the requirements of the ALN and Educational Tribunal Act as well as the provision for Support Registered pupils through ensuring the school has a robust system in place that identifies pupils, families and the whole communities needs and puts effective provision in place to support their development. 


Please click HERE to see a summary of our School Development Plan which explains how the school will be addressing these priorities.




All governing bodies have a core group of governors consisting of:

  • Parent governors
  • Teacher governors
  • Staff governors
  • LA governors
  • Community governors
  • Headteacher (acting in the capacity of a governor where this is his/her choice).


They are elected for a period of four years and have three main roles:


Our current governors are:


Governing Body Members


Tammy Llewellyn

Vice Chairperson

Gary Coston

LA Representatives

Councillor Will Jones

Richard Jenkins

Councillor Scott Emmanuel

Community Governors

Jayne Coles

Leanne Pritchard

Tammy Llewellyn

Parent Governors

Gary Coston

Jennifer Molloy

Samantha Bury

Lindsey Jenkins

Teacher Representative

Mrs J Hanly

Staff Representative

Mrs K Thomas


Mrs M Hutchings



Governors work together with the Headteacher and staff of the school to make sure that the school provides good quality teaching and learning for our children and raise standards.

They are expected to:- 

  • Agree the aims and values of the school
  • Agree policies
  • Approve the School Development or School Improvement Plan
  • Approve and monitor the allocation and expenditure of the school budget
  • Make sure the national curriculum is taught and there is sufficient staff to teach it
  • Monitor and review the school’s progress
  • Ensure individual pupils' needs are met, including additional needs
  • Recruitment and Selection of some Staff
  • Give parents information about the school
  • Produce action plans for improvement following school inspections
  • Promote healthy eating
  • Establish and maintain positive links with the wider community
  • Support the day-to-day operational decisions taken by the Headteacher
  • Promote the effectiveness of the governing body
  • However, this is not a definitive list!

So for further information visit:
