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RCT school catering

Please note that the menu below is subject to change depending on food supplies.

If your child has any dietary requirements, please let us know.

RCT Primary School Menu



Free school meals entitlement

Access to good quality school meals can make a significant contribution to a child’s dietary intake and influence to children’s overall health and wellbeing. The provision of free school meals (FSM) for those who qualify helps to ensure that most children have at least one balanced, nutritious meal during the school day, irrespective of parental income.

The range of choices for all pupils, either paying or entitled to free school meals is the same. Each day the catering services in each school (primary and secondary) provide a range of choices of hot meals, salads, filled jacket potatoes and baguettes, even pack lunches can be provided.

If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please view the free school meals page below for more information. 

