Our School Curriculum - inspiring ambition!
Our vision is to provide an education of excellence that will inspire ambition and creativity in a safe and supportive learning environment in which adults and children can strive for success.
To achieve our vision the curriculum and school life at Penyrenglyn Primary is underpinned with universal positive human values.
Our School Curriculum has been designed in consultation with staff, parents, governors, children and other local schools. It has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the new Curriculum for Wales which was implemented from September 2022.
It supports the Curriculum for Wales' FOUR CORE PURPOSES:
All children and young people will be:
Our pupils have added one more at Penyrenglyn!
It provides a broad and balance curriculum in six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs):
Our school curriculum gives children the opportunity to develop their key skills across all AoLEs:
As well as the integral skills of:
Our children will also learn about:
- Diversity & inclusion
- Rights of the Child
- International, national and local perspectives
- Career and work-related experiences
Click here for our LONG TERM CURRICULUM PLAN which shows how we have planned for the 27 What Matters Statements required by the Curriculum for Wales.
As a school, we are ensuring our school curriculum supports our commitment to:
Equality and Inclusion
Penyrenglyn Community Primary School promotes equality and inclusion positively in all aspects of school life and is firmly committed to addressing prejudice, discrimination and harassment concerning race, gender, disability, sexuality and age. The school aims to achieve equality and equity for all including those with Additional Learning Needs.
The Welsh Language
Penyrenglyn Community Primary School is committed to making a positive contribution to the development of the Welsh language and will:
As an English medium school learning will take place in Welsh and English from the early years onwards.
Homework Arrangements
Homework is given weekly and may include:
All homework needs to be returned for marking on time, so it can be marked before the next homework is issued. Homework is differentiated to meet the needs of the pupils.
Please let your child’s teacher know if they are finding their homework too hard or easy.
Each child’s progress is tracked each term to ensure action can be taken at the earliest opportunity if they need additional support or need more challenge. During the autumn and spring terms you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress, and then at the end of the summer term you will receive an annual report which will summarise their progress during that year. National test results and pupils’ progress is also reported at the end of Year 2,3,4,5 and 6.
Religion, Values & Ethics (RVE)
RVE plays an important role in contributing to the aims of the school. The RCT locally agreed syllabus is statutory and encourages children to develop knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs and cultures. It encourages pupils to develop a growing sense of their own identity as well as valuing and respecting the diversity in society.
The school arranges a daily act of worship of a broadly Christian nature as required by law; assemblies can include a hymn/song, religious/moral stories and/or reflection time/prayer. Assembly themes are also linked to the school’s values.
Relationships and Sexulaity Education (RSE)
RSE is taught through the delivery of Health and Wellbeing. Our RSE policy and curriculum enable pupils to acquire an understanding of their physical, emotional and moral development. Younger children learn about how they grow, friendships, keeping safe, families and feelings. As they get older, they learn about similarities and differences between people, stereotypes, keeping healthy, personal hygiene, and dealing with emotions. The topic of periods is introduced in Year 5 with support from the school nurse. The topic of puberty is introduced in Year 6 with support from our school nurse.
Please click here HERE to read our RSE policy and see more details of our RSE curriculum.
Drug Education
Drug Education is taught through the delivery of Health and Wellbeing. Our Drug Education Policy aims to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of drugs and medicines. It aims to encourage pupils to make informed decisions and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Younger pupils will learn about medicines and as they get older they will learn about the harmful effects of drug use sometimes with lessons led by the local beat police officer.
Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Penyrenglyn Primary School is committed to all pupils having equal access to the curriculum and receiving the best possible education by providing differentiated lessons that meet individual needs. Pupil with ALN are those who require additional learning support because they are struggling to learn in comparison with their peers. They have difficulty in learning because they:
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Under the Education Act 1996 (section 312) and the SEN Code of Practice for Wales (2002), a child has a learning difficulty if:
The term Special Educational Needs is broad and covers not just learning difficulties in Mathematics or English; it also includes pupils with communication difficulties, sensory and physical needs, and those with behavioural, emotional or social problems. We have an inclusive approach and we work in partnership with outside agencies, staff, children and parents to ensure high quality provision supports pupils with special educational needs.
The majority of special needs/ALN teaching takes place within the classroom yet some pupils may be identified as requiring small group teaching in literacy and numeracy. The termly tracking of your child’s progress enables us to identify and facilitate early intervention if necessary.
Some children may require an Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) to address their special educational needs/additional learning needs. Our Additional Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) oversees the management, implementation and review of these plans. Please do not hesitate in contacting the school if you have any concerns regarding your child.
The school has high regard for the duty placed on it by the Disability Discrimination Act and endeavors to:
favourable treatment
A copy of the school’s Equality Scheme can be obtained from the Headteacher.
Charging Policy
When an educational visit is arranged for your child you will be asked to make a contribution of a specified amount towards the cost of the trip or visitors. Under the 1988 Education Act any such contribution can only be voluntary and no child will be excluded for financial reasons However, if we receive insufficient funds then we may have to cancel the event. A charge will be made for the loss of school books or for irreparable damage to them. A charge can also be made for willful damage to school property, such as broken windows or equipment. Some after school clubs may require charging too. A copy of the school’s Charging Policy is available upon request.
Other School Activities
Our provision of extra-curricular activities is growing and our current clubs and activities include:
Our breakfast club is FREE is open to all pupils. Children need to arrive no earlier than 8am and no later than 8:30am.