OUR MOTTO: Inspiring Ambition!
Penyrenglyn Community Primary School puts well-being at the heart of everything we do where everyone works together in a safe and supportive learning environment in which adults and children strive to fulfil their potential. We are committed to providing an education of excellence that will inspire ambition and creativity to achieve academic and personal success and produce successful, well-rounded individuals.
Penyrenglyn Primary School aims to develop children as:
1. ambitious, capable, determined learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
2. enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
3. ethical, informed, respectful citizens of Wales and a diverse world
4. healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued, equal members of society
5. kind, trustworthy friends ready to help and support others
To achieve our aims, the curriculum and school life at Penyrenglyn Primary is underpinned with universal positive human values:
Respect & Relationships
Helpfulness & Friendship
Kindness & Empathy
Independence & Resilience
Curiosity & Creativity
All staff were involved in choosing a set of core values, which are attributes and behaviours that we want to help everybody at Penyrenglyn to develop during their time at the school.
We will focus on a value a month as below:
Our Core Value | Month |
Friendship | September |
Co-operation/Teamwork | October |
Respect | November |
Creativity | December |
Curiosity | January |
Kindness | February |
Helpfulness | March |
Relationships | April |
Resilience | May |
Empathy | June |
Independence | July |
Equal Opportunities Statement
Penyrenglyn Community Primary School promotes equal opportunities and inclusion in all aspects of school life and is firmly committed to addressing prejudice, discrimination and harassment concerning race, gender, disability, sexuality and age. The school aims to achieve equality and equity for all including those with Additional Learning Needs.
Copies of the schools Equality Scheme are available upon request from the Headteacher.
Commitment to the Welsh Language
Penyrenglyn Community primary School is committed to making a positive contribution to the development of the Welsh language and will: