Croeso i Ddosbarth Gwyrdd!
Welcome to Dosbarth Gwyrdd. We are a Year 4/5/6 class and the staff are:
We are really looking forward to working with you and your child this year.
Attached above is a letter giving information about what we will be learning this term (this was also shared on our Class Dojo page).
Important points to remember
Wednesday - P.E. (please wear P.E. kit into school - black or navy shorts, leggings or joggers, a white polo t-shirt, sweater (if it's cold outside) and trainers). This year, we are lucky to be working with Rhondda Schools Rugby, which will take place every other Wednesday.
Friday - homework and reading books will be given out on a Friday. At the moment, homework will be allocated on Class Dojo and Google Classroom, whilst the children are re-familiarising themselves with Google Classroom. Can you please take a photo or video of your child's homework and upload it to Google Classroom as an attachment. Please return reading books to school either on the Wednesday or the Thursday of each week, so that they are ready to be changed on the Friday.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mrs S x