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Dosbarth Oren

Spring Term Termly Letter Dosbarth Oren

Autumn Term 2023 Dosbarth Oren Termly Newsletter

We have been learning to tell the time.

We have been comparing old and new photographs of Treherbert.

We have been usign our new outdoor easels to paint what we seein the environment.

We are History Detectives -Treherbert Trail

Meeting the King!

Our Coronation Celebration!

Spring Term 2023 Food Glorious Food!

Oren Spring Termly Letter 2023

Christmas 2022

The Jolly Postman


Diwali 2022

Dosbarth Oren harvest

Still image for this video

We have had great fun playing in our class pond! We saw lots of frog spawn. (Chia seeds in water)

Today we had a visit from Treorchy Fire Fighters. We learned how to keep ourselves safe in the event of a fire.

Fairtrade Fortnight We learned about the journey of a banana.

Rhondda Tunnel Visit

St David's Day 2022

World Book Day 2022

Our Kandinsky inspired wrapping paper! We enjoyed painting different shapes and lines to create an attractive wrapping paper for our Santa's workshop.

We have had great fun this morning - our Elf set up Santa's workshop in our class!

We have been celebrating Hannukah.

Christmas Dates

Children in Need 2021

We have been reading the story 'Cave Baby' The children received a letter from the baby today setting them challenges. One challenge was to make their own paint brushes from the materials gathered from the school garden. We are going to try to make our own cave painting for our class cave!

Today we have been completing Remembrance Day activities. 

This week we have been completing work linked with the book - Elmer!


Reception/Year 1 - Autumn Term 2021


We have really enjoyed meeting your children. They are enthusiastic and ready to learn


Class Information

  • Our PE day is Thursday. Please ensure that you child wears their kit to school. Kit can be joggers/shorts, T-shirts and black plimsolls all labelled with their name please.
  • Home-School Tasks will be set once a fortnight to begin on the class Dojo. Please add photographs to demonstrate what your children has been doing at home.
  • Milk is free and available daily. Children are able to bring their own drink bottle to class so they can have a drink at any time during the day. Please ensure their names are written on their water bottles.  As we are a healthy school we request that they contain only water.
  • One piece of fruit or veg can be brought as a healthy snack.
  • Please make sure your child's name is written on all of their belongings.  
  • Forest School – We aim to start visiting our ‘forest school’ each half term. Consent forms will be sent out very soon.
  • Our theme this term is ‘Who put the colours in the rainbow?
  • We will be learning about colour, light and dark and electricity. The children have already told us what they know and what they want to find out within the topic. We will be arranging visitors or a visit in connection to the theme. More details to follow.

Please contact us with any of your queries through class Dojo

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Hanly Mrs Gregson and Mrs Lewis






Dosbarth Oren (Yr 1 & 2)

We hope that you are all well and excited to be coming back to school. We're really looking forward to seeing you next week (Year 1 - Tuesday and Year 2 - Wednesday). Here's our welcome letter containing some important information. See you very soon.

Mrs Roberts, Mrs L Lewis and Miss T Cross 😀

YEAR 1 - Cardiff City FC Primary Stars - Bluebirds Home School Festival

HOME SCHOOL ACTIVITIES - 23.03.20 (Lockdown)

Happy New Year and welcome back. We're looking forward to helping your child learn lots of new skills this term. Our topic letters showing these skills are available below. Any questions, please come and see me. 

Croeso i Dosbarth Oren!


Welcome to Dosbarth Oren. The staff in Dosbarth Oren are:

  • Mrs. Roberts -Teacher
  • Ms. Lewis - LSA
  • Ms Taylor - LSA